Things that irritate me on the regular, annoy me often, or simply otherwise piss me off.
My thoughts of the day:

- Texting- I hate it so much; why can't people just call you anymore, or wait until they see you in person? Like jeez, I don't mind the odd text especially if we're busy, but honestly it should be a last resort. What especially annoys me is when people are like "why didn't you text me back"- because I forgot or I just don't want too. Get over it and next time just call me. Or people expect to text every day, honestly I have a life and I'm busy. I don't need to know what you're doing every waking moment, and I don't really care. What happened to real communication? Misunderstanding is far too common when it comes to texting. On top of that we like to complain that younger generations are so reliant upon technology- uhm hello? Hypocrites.
- People that are absolutely obsessed with low fat, diet, or organic crap. I honestly don't care what you eat, but don't try to push your weird food habits on me. That's for you, do you see me trying to push a cake in your face? Sure, you want to be healthy, great that's your right, but if I want to get fat, that's my right too. In my opinion we're all going to die eventually anyways so what's the point in over obsessing? I'm bad enough at over thinking every tiny detail in life anyways without the added stress. So let's agree to disagree.
- Cuddling. Yeah, I'm a woman and to many people this seems odd to dislike. But seriously, who likes being all sticky and plastered to someone?! Not me. It's uncomfortable, and I dislike being smothered. Especially when I'm trying to sleep it's just annoying. Like seriously- go away. Unless I'm cold fine, but really that's what blankets and heat is for. Even my cat, yes she's adorable and fluffy but I can only hold her so long before I'm like, okay I've had enough, I need my space. I like my breathing room.
- People that can't handle the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts- I get it. But personally I would rather someone hurt me with the truth than soothe me with a lie. Frankly, I can't stand liars. Who likes people that are full of bs really? I'm going to treat you how you treat me or at least how I would like you to be towards me. And I want straight up, blunt honesty. Sugarcoating, being coy, and all that is a waste of time. Just be real, and tell it to me like it is. Honestly, sometimes after I'm in situations where I have to hold it in and watch what I say it's such a relief to be around people where I can be myself and not hide what I think all the time. People that encourage and appreciate that forward quality in others are such a relief to be around, like drinking a big glass of water after a hot, thirsty day.
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